“I don’t go to church so I can get things. I go to thank God for being who He is to me…and you. His peace’ll calm that restless spirit of yours. My life may not be better than yours, but I can handle some things you can’t. The point of it is not to ask for more stuff, but guidance on how to get through stuff.”
As we approach the week of Thanksgiving, this quote from Mrs. Rosa Mae in the story “The Promotion,” from Faith Beats Fear resonated with me. I think it’s easy to count up tangible benefits in our lives, but sometimes we disregard the intangibles — the peace, mercy, grace, everlasting love, and so much more God brings to us on a day-by-day, hour-by-hour, moment-by-moment basis.
I remember when rumors about layoffs began to circulate at a former job I had years ago. EVERYBODY was on edge. The thought of potentially losing steady income and not being able to care for yourself or your family is incredibly scary. My friend and I huddled in my cubicle. We should have been anxious, but in an inexplicable, unexplainable way we were calm in the chaos. God (thankfully) swooped in and kept our Spirits steady. If our names were on the list, we believed He would provide for us, because our faith was our foundation.
The stuff may come and go, but having a sound mind and continual access to peace that passes all understanding is truly priceless. Never forget that.
Always keep thankfulness on your mind and your lips.
I've committed to going into this week with an attitude of gratitude! Will you join me? Share your moment of thanks in our private #FaithBeatsFear Community.
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